Whether or not you live in the Windy City, strong wind storms can affect regions across the United States. Here in Ohio, we’re no stranger to inclement weather of all kinds, including wind storms.

Unfortunately, asphalt shingle roofs can be susceptible to wind damage, especially as they age. After any wind storm, it’s vital to check for wind damage to your roof. Our ultimate guide will walk you through:

  • How to spot roof wind damage 🔍
  • How to fix wind-damaged shingles ⚒️
  • How to file a storm damage insurance claim 📋

Signs of Roof Wind Damage

Hurricanes and tornadoes may be the most intense culprits of roof wind damage, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that your shingle roof can only sustain damage with tornado-level winds.

Even a strong gust of wind during a thunderstorm or on a windy day can reach up to 100 miles per hour! Even 50 mph winds can cause significant damage. Since our roofs are higher in the air, they’re vulnerable to wind damage.

Wind will usually hit the shingles at their edges, loosening their bond. Since the sealant on older roofs is less durable, shingle roofs over 10 years old are most susceptible to wind damage.

The wind gusts themselves may not even damage your roof, but strong winds can send debris flying through the air and crashing into your roof. Tree branches may hit your roof, causing a punctured shingle.

After a wind storm, be sure to check your roof for signs of wind damage that include:

  • Shingle pieces scattered in your yard
  • Missing shingles
  • Shingles flapping in the wind
  • Curling or broken edges on the shingles
  • Shingle granules in your gutters or downspouts
  • Gaps between the shingles and roof
  • Water leaks inside your home
  • Bent or damaged gutters
  • Debris on your roof
  • Light peeking through your attic

Some of these signs of roof damage can be spotted from the ground or inside your home. However, you may need to get on your roof to take a closer look. If you don’t feel comfortable climbing onto your roof, call a professional roofing contractor to take a look instead. Many reputable roofing companies offer free inspections after storms.

How to Fix Wind-Damaged Shingles

So you’ve noticed a missing or lifted shingle— now what? There are a couple of roof repairs that are DIY-friendly for handy homeowners. If you feel confident working on your roof and want to save a few dollars, you can attempt repairs yourself.

Of course, keep in mind that the best option is to always leave roofing service to the pros. If you’re nervous about getting injured or voiding your roof warranty, call a local roofing contractor instead. They’ll have your roof fixed in no time!

Additionally, these DIY tips are only for minor repairs. Don’t attempt to fix your roof if more than a couple of shingles have been damaged. Large damaged areas may constitute a total replacement.

Replacing a Broken or Missing Shingle

Strong winds may blow a portion of a shingle or an entire shingle! If you see a shingle in your yard or notice a missing shingle on your roof, you can replace it.

You’ll need:

  • The same brand and color as your current shingles
  • Roofing cement
  • Pry bar
  • Roofing nails and hammer

wind damage to roof hammering shingles

To replace a missing or broken shingle, follow these steps:

  1. Use the pry bar to carefully lift up and remove the nails on the broken shingle and the shingles above the missing one.
  2. Slide a new shingle into place, ensuring that it’s level with the rest of your roof.
  3. Secure a roofing nail on each side of the shingle on the provided nailing strip using a hammer or nail gun.
  4. Apply roofing cement to the nail heads and under the new shingle tabs.
  5. Re-secure the shingles above the new shingle. Repeat as necessary!

Reattaching a Lifted Shingle

Another common roof issue caused by wind is lifted shingles. These shingles haven’t completely blown off, but the edges have lifted. You may see these shingles flapping in the wind. Or, they’ll lift up when you or your roofing contractor gently pull up on the shingle.

You won’t need to replace these shingles unless they’re cracked or damaged in another way. Instead, you can just resecure them by following these steps:

  1. Lift the lifted shingle and apply roofing cement to its underside.
  2. Firmly press the shingle back into place, ensuring that it’s properly bonded with your roof.
  3. Secure a roofing nail on each side of the shingle’s nailing strip using a hammer or nail gun.

How to File a Storm Damage Insurance Claim

Most people undertake DIY projects because they don’t want to pay for professional labor. However, DIY roofing work can void your warranty, and it puts you at risk of injury.

If you want a professional to handle your roofing work, you have the option to file a homeowners insurance claim. Since wind damage to your roof isn’t your fault, there’s a chance you may receive insurance coverage for the repairs.

To file a homeowners insurance claim, follow these steps:

  • Review your homeowners’ insurance policy.
  • Hire a professional roofing contractor to perform a roofing inspection. They will document any damage to your roof.
  • Contact your insurer and file a claim.
  • An insurance adjuster will come assess your property and look for damage.
  • If your claim is approved, you can move forward with scheduling professional repairs. Keep in mind that your coverage check may come in the mail later, but you shouldn’t delay fixing your roof.

Wind Damage? We’ll Fix Your Roof Fast

Here at Gouge Quality Roofing, we’ve fixed and repaired hundreds of roofs with storm damage. It’s always best to trust the professionals with roof wind damage rather than risk your safety.

If you suspect you may have wind damage on your roof, call Gouge right away! We’ll perform a free inspection and promptly schedule any necessary repairs.